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Deep dives on money, investing, personal finance, & wealth-building.

Active Vs Passive Investing Debate

Active Vs Passive Investing Debate

July 08, 2023

The active versus passive debate can become quite heated among investors. While most investors agree on the importance of investing for personal finance, they can't seem to reach a consensus on the best approach.

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How Short Selling Works

How Short Selling Works

December 20, 2023

Shorting offers a lopsided payoff structure, where your potential gains are limited, but the potential losses are uncapped. This means that in theory, you could potentially lose an unlimited amount of money.

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Best Passive Investment (Index Funds vs ETFs vs Mutual Funds)

Best Passive Investment (Index Funds vs ETFs vs Mutual Funds)

June 24, 2024

What sets index funds, mutual funds, and ETFs apart from each other? While these investment vehicles share similarities, they also have distinct characteristics and advantages and disadvantages.

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Revealed: The Passive Income Scam

Revealed: The Passive Income Scam

March 31, 2024

Passive income is often portrayed as the ultimate goal in personal finance. The idea of earning money without actively working for it is highly appealing.

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Debt Snowball Vs Debt Avalanche (With Real Numbers)

Debt Snowball Vs Debt Avalanche (With Real Numbers)

August 27, 2023

The debt snowball method and the debt avalanche method. Let's dicuss how each strategy works and the benefits and downsides respectively. Then we will illustrate the two methods side by side with an example to see which one actually works better with real world numbers.

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Optimal Order To Investing For Maximum Returns

Optimal Order To Investing For Maximum Returns

October 07, 2023

What order should you invest your money in? Should you max out your 401k first? Or should you wait until after you paid off your student debt?

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Growth Vs Value Investing: Which Gives Higher Returns?

Growth Vs Value Investing: Which Gives Higher Returns?

May 06, 2023

It might not be a very distinct difference, but it's still important to understand. These are two of the most popular fundamental approaches to investing, and chances are you're currently employing one of them if you actively invest through mutual funds or ET

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How To Invest Your First $1002 (Step by Step)

How To Invest Your First $1002 (Step by Step)

November 12, 2023

The world of money is challenging, competitive, and merciless, and those who do not understand its rules are bound to fail. Many people work hard all their lives but end up struggling financially because they do not know how to make their money grow.

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The Easiest Rule To Manage Your Money

The Easiest Rule To Manage Your Money

July 15, 2023

I bet that you are unaware of the fact that about 35% of individuals have no retirement savings whatsoever. If you happen to fall into that category, don't fret about it because you're not alone.

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