Putin and China could DEVASTATE the U.S. and Europe with this move

Putin and China could DEVASTATE the U.S. and Europe with this move

Are you worried about the strength of the US Dollar? 

Or are you concerned that Putin and China could have devastating consequences for Europe and America? 

With Russia cutting off natural gas supplies to Europe due to last year's Nord Stream pipeline attack, and China now surpassing the US dollar as the most traded currency on the Moscow Exchange, it's clear that a shift in power between Washington and Beijing is happening. 

In this article, we will explore how Putin and China are taking advantage of their strengthened ties - what this could mean for both Europe and America and how politicians must work together to ensure economic stability for all involved.

The War With China

The possibility of war between the United States and China is a very real one, especially as the tension between the two countries continues to rise. 

The US has been increasingly vocal in its opposition to China's activities in the South China Sea, while at the same time signing major arms deals with Taiwan and other Pacific allies. 

Both sides have been deploying military assets near each other’s borders, sparking fears of an accidental conflict that could quickly spiral out of control. 

Meanwhile, Russia and China are working together to form an economic powerhouse that will rival the West in terms of power, influence, and wealth. 

This alliance could be used to significant effect if they decided to act against their Western rivals - whether through trade sanctions or cyber-attacks - to cripple their economies and force them into submission. 

It is this potential that has the West so concerned, as a coordinated attack could cause immense damage to its infrastructure and economy, not to mention the lives of its citizens. 

The US and Europe must be prepared for any eventuality if they are to survive an attack from Russia and China. 

They need to increase military spending, build up cyber-security capabilities, strengthen international alliances, and develop contingencies in case of a coordinated assault by these two powerful nations. 

The stakes are incredibly high - it is vital that all steps are taken now before it is too late. 

Only then can they hope to avoid total devastation should war with China break out. 

All eyes will be on how the US and Europe respond in the coming months, as any further miscalculations could spell disaster. 

From economic sanctions to military action, a real possibility of war with China must be addressed. 

Now more than ever it is essential for the West to take a stance against these two powerful nations and protect their interests before it's too late.

America Is Losing Power While China And Russia Get Stronger

This is evidenced by the United States' ongoing trade war with China, its nuclear arms race with Russia, and the weakening of the US dollar as China continues to dump American debt. 

The data from the US Treasury Department shows that China has become the second largest holder of US Treasuries, making it clear that they have both economic and geopolitical leverage over America. 

Furthermore, President Vladimir Putin recently announced at a conference that Russia had managed to fully compensate for any loss of access to Western markets following sanctions imposed by Europe and the United States. 

In addition, last year's trade surplus hit 332 billion dollars indicating a strong Russian economy despite all sanctions implemented against them. 

It is clear that America is losing ground in the global economic and geopolitical arena as Russia and China continue to grow stronger. 

In response, the United States government has resorted to threats and destabilization tactics in an attempt to reassert its dominance. 

However, as we have seen time and time again, these tactics are not enough to counter the increasing power of Putin's Russia and Xi Jinping's China. 

This could easily lead them to make a move that would devastate Europe and the United States – unless American officials find a way to react quickly before it’s too late. 

The world waits with bated breath on what this devastating move may be. 

It is time for the United States to take proactive steps to counter this threat and keep its place as a global superpower. 

Only then can we be sure that US and Europe will not suffer great losses at the hands of Putin and China?

The Expansion Of BRICS Nations

The BRICS nations are expanding rapidly and gaining power at a rapid rate. 

This is particularly true for Russia and China, who have already established strong economic and geopolitical ties with many other countries through the creation of the BRICS alliance. 

The other members of this coalition – Brazil, India, and South Africa – have also seen their economic growth surge as they join forces to create an alternative global trading system outside of US control. 

In addition to exchanging goods, services, and commodities among themselves, these countries also aim to develop their own currency backed by gold, natural gas, and oil. 

Furthermore, both Russia and China are actively encouraging other countries to join them in the BRICS movement such as Algeria, Iran, and Saudi Arabia. 

And just recently Mexico announced its own plans to join. 

This further strengthens the already powerful political and economic alliance of these countries, as it allows for a wider range of investments, resources, and economies to be shared. 

What does this mean for the United States and Europe? 

It means that if Putin and China continue to expand their influence through BRICS, they could easily devastate US and European markets with one strategic move. 

It is very likely that Russia or China could take advantage of their strengthened economic ties to jointly set policies on global economic issues – such as setting prices on oil or commodities – from which the US would be excluded due to their lack of involvement in the BRICS Coalition. 

This could cause serious damage to the American economy overnight.

Nord Stream Pipeline Propaganda

The destruction of the Nord Stream pipeline last year has sent shockwaves throughout Europe, as it represents a significant blow to their energy security plans. 

The New York Times ran a story claiming that a "pro-Ukrainian" group was responsible for the attack, while a German newspaper also confirmed this claim and identified the boat they used. 

This vessel - called Andromeda - could not possibly have carried 500 kilograms of explosives to blow up such a heavily fortified deep-sea pipeline. 

Europe attempted to downplay the situation, believing that Russia would be forced to return and provide natural gas once again after their pipeline was destroyed. 

However, Putin and China had other ideas; 

They decided to shift resources to BRICS nations like Indonesia, Mexico, and China instead. 

This resulted in Russia and China achieving a new trade record earlier this week, with data showing that their combined trades were set to exceed 200 billion dollars by the end of the year - an increase of 31 percent from last year. 

The Nord Stream pipeline attack is a sign that Putin and China are no longer willing to supply resources to Europe, instead deciding to invest them in other regions. 

In light of this, much of the propaganda surrounding the event has been used as an attempt to downplay its significance, as well as misdirect attention away from the true perpetrators. 

Unfortunately for Europe, it looks like they won’t be able to rely on Russia and China for energy security any time soon.

China’s Currency Boom

The United States has long been the dominant global economic power, with its dollar serving as the most traded currency on the international market. 

However, that is quickly beginning to change. 

Last week, Chinese President Xi Jinping made it clear that China would no longer accept American attempts at suppression of their economy. 

A major milestone followed this announcement; 

For the first time ever, the Chinese Yuan surpassed the US Dollar as the most traded currency on the Moscow Exchange. 

The implications of this are far-reaching and could have enormous consequences for both Europe and America if Putin and China decide to take advantage of their strengthened ties. 

With Russia already having abandoned supplying Europe with natural gas due to last week's Nord Stream pipeline attack, there is now a greater chance of Russia and China joining forces to dominate the European energy market. 

In addition, if the Chinese Yuan continues to rise in value compared to the US Dollar, it could spell disaster for America's economy as China begins to gain dominance over global trade. 

This sudden shift in power from Washington to Beijing is something that should not be taken lightly. 

With both Putin and China taking advantage of their strengthened ties, Europe and America must take action now or risk devastating consequences in the near future. 

It is clear that this new dynamic between Putin and China will require politicians and leaders on both sides of the Atlantic to work together in order to ensure economic stability for all involved. 

Otherwise, we may soon see a very different world order with nations such as China and Russia at the helm. 

The future of both Europe and America depends on it. 

The already-tense relations between Washington and Beijing are escalating, with China's currency boom being yet another example of this. 

As their economy continues to grow, their currency will continue to gain strength against the US Dollar which could spell disaster for the American economy if they don't take action soon. 

In addition, due to last year's Nord Stream pipeline attack by Russia, Europe is now facing a major energy crisis as they can no longer rely on Russia for cheap natural gas.

Europe Energy Crisis

Europe’s Energy crisis has been exacerbated by the recent actions of Vladimir Putin and China. 

Last year, Russia cut off supplies of natural gas to Europe, causing a major shock to the European economy. 

A major milestone followed this announcement; for the first time ever, the Chinese Yuan surpassed the US Dollar as the most traded currency on the Moscow Exchange. 

This means that China's currency is now more valuable than America's - placing even more power into their hands when it comes to global trade. 

Furthermore, this shift in economic power has caused energy prices across Europe to skyrocket. 

Gas Futures are up 21%, which is the highest they have been since June 2019. 

As a result, many nations within Europe are facing electrical outages as they cannot handle the extra load on the power grid. 

Germany is one of these nations, with officials warning that their citizens could expect power cuts over the next two years - unless they find a new form of cheap energy. 

The move by Putin and China could have devastating consequences for Europe and America if action isn't taken soon. 

It is clear that both the US and European governments must work together in order to ensure economic stability for all involved countries. 

The future of both Europe and America depends on it.

With Putin and China taking advantage of their strengthened ties, it's more important than ever that politicians from both sides of the Atlantic work together in order to ensure economic stability for all involved. 

It is clear that this new dynamic between these nations could have a devastating effect on Europe and America if not addressed soon. 

- Ivan