Putin and China just scored a KNOCK OUT blow to the U.S. economy and we’re screwed

Putin and China just scored a KNOCK OUT blow to the U.S. economy and we’re screwed

The United States economy has been the envy of the world for decades. 

It's been a cornerstone for global stability and prosperity, but that could all be coming to an end. 

Vladimir Putin and China have just struck a devastating blow to the U.S., and it's something that should terrify us all. 

Today, we're getting some stunning new information about Russia and China's partnership, and it could mean catastrophic consequences for the US dollar and our country's hegemony on the world stage. 

We've got all of those details in this article today - ones that mainstream media outlets have largely ignored - so stay tuned to find out why Washington is asleep at the wheel when it comes to protecting our economic future. 

But before we get into all that, let's look at this story's context.

15 Minute City Plan

Klaus Schwab and the World Economic Forum have been creating and implementing policy strategies in Washington D.C, Canada, and Europe for decades. 

They have been pushing policies that have been praised by leaders like Justin Trudeau of Canada for taking their ideas and running with them. 

Furthermore, the WEF has ambitions to create a global digital identity that would track and monitor everyone's movements and activities. 

The 15-minute City plan, proposed by French Colombian scientist Carlos Moreno, is being adopted in cities such as Paris, Barcelona, and Bogota. 

The plan seeks to reduce the need for cars, land ownership and homes. 

WEF has even suggested that people should own nothing and still be happy. 

It involves issuing a digital ID to track and monitor individuals' movements, enabling them to access all their needs within a 15-minute radius of their home. 

Walking and biking will be the only means of transportation instead of driving. 

Putin and China have seemingly benefited from this situation, as the US economy has been weakened by such misguided policies orchestrated by the WEF. 

After decades of covert planning, these two governments are now making their mark on the global economy. 

Putin and Xi Jinping have sought to tie up trade deals and economic partnerships with countries across the globe, counteracting US-led initiatives in many areas.

Fossil Fuel And Nuclear Energy

One of their most ill-conceived strategies is getting rid of fossil fuels and nuclear energy without having a plan for replacement. 

Even Greta Thunberg, who was recently arrested at a protest against wind farms in Norway, recognizes the flaws of wind power. 

She was protesting the turbines as they are noisy and disrupt the land of the indigenous people. 

These Western leaders are making decisions that will have negative impacts on our way of life and their latest moves to provoke China into war make this even more evident. 

The protests this week were fierce, with people taking to the streets in record numbers. 

In France alone, an estimated 25,000 people took to the streets in Paris to make their voices heard - calling for an end to globalist policies that are damaging their way of life. 

In Germany and other countries across Europe similar scenes played out, with protestors chanting "Stop the War! Stop Russian sanctions!" as they marched through city centers.


The topic of globalization and its impact on international relations has become increasingly important in recent years, particularly with regards to Russia and China. 

Many globalists believe that isolationism is the best policy when it comes to dealing with these countries. 

However, this view is short-sighted and ultimately counterproductive. 

The reality is that by imposing sanctions on Russia and China, Europe is only hurting itself. 

These sanctions have only served to strengthen Putin and China's power over the world economy. 

The increased economic influence of these countries has given them a greater voice in international affairs, and their growing wealth has allowed them to invest heavily in military capabilities, which could potentially pose a threat to global security. 

It's time for people in Europe to wake up to the reality of what’s happening. 

The globalist moves to impose sanctions and adopt an isolationist policy towards Russia and China are not making things better, but only serving to make things worse. 

In fact, this trend could lead to an economic collapse on an unprecedented scale, with far-reaching consequences for the global community. 

It’s important to consider the potential long-term effects of isolationist policies, particularly in the context of Russia and China. 

These countries have the potential to become dominant economic and military powers in the future, and it is critical that the international community takes steps to ensure that they do not abuse this power. 

The globalist moves to adopt an isolationist policy towards Russia and China are misguided and ultimately counterproductive. 

It is time for the international community to take a more proactive approach to promoting economic integration and stability, in order to avoid the potentially disastrous consequences of continued isolationism.

How We Are Combating It

Let’s take a look at the recent developments coming out of Washington DC and how they're indicating a possible direct conflict with China. 

US leaders are concerned that as their currency is in decline, their influence is waning - so instead of investing in American infrastructure and manufacturing, resources are being channeled elsewhere to build cheaper goods. 

This week we saw further attempts to discredit China by claiming that the Covid virus originated from a lab in Wuhan. 

The FBI director suggested it was "most likely" a lab incident, although this has been disputed by many health experts, who believe otherwise. 

This follows Dr. Fauci's statement before Congress, which was later retracted after it became clear that the NIH had funded research in the Wuhan lab. 

At the heart of this debate is money - specifically, the US dollar and its waning influence across the world. 

China has seen a significant growth in partnerships with Russia recently, which could explain why Washington DC is so desperate to damage China's trade and exports by pushing this Covid story.

With these developments in mind, we must ask ourselves: 

what do they mean for global power dynamics? 

Is there an agenda being pushed here that could have wider implications for us all?

Significant Change

The global economic landscape is always evolving, and recent data suggests that we are currently in a period of significant change. 

One noteworthy shift is the increase in oil and gas exports to China, which is reducing Russia's reliance on Europe. 

This shift is reflected in Russia's growing GDP, while the UK and Europe are experiencing a decline. 

In addition to this, inflation rates are on the rise in Spain, France, and the United States. 

While some may be quick to point fingers at China for America's manufacturing decline, the reality is more complex. 

While it is true that many manufacturing jobs have been moved to China, there are currently one million available manufacturing jobs in the U.S. that cannot be filled. 

This suggests that the issue is not simply a matter of outsourcing, but also of changing demographics and a lack of interest in certain types of work. 

Despite the rhetoric from politicians, it appears that manufacturing is not coming back to the US anytime soon. 

This is a trend that has been in motion for some time, and it will be interesting to see how it continues to evolve over the coming weeks and months. 

While some sectors may be experiencing growth and positive changes, it is important to remember that not everyone is benefiting equally from these shifts. 

It will be important to monitor the global economic landscape closely as we move forward to understand the ongoing effects of these changes.

China’s New Global Order

The global economic landscape continues to shift, and China is at the forefront of these changes. 

While many focus on China's impact on America's trading partners, it is important to recognize that China is actually constructing an entirely new global order in the global South. 

Many countries that have been neglected by the United States for decades are now benefiting from China's production. 

Vietnam, Indonesia, Mexico, and other countries have seen a significant increase in Chinese output over the past three years, highlighting China's efforts to expand its reach and establish a new global order. 

This growth is a reflection of China's economic influence in these countries, as well as the dedication to expanding its production and manufacturing capabilities outside of China. 

China has been aware of the U.S.'s intentions to undermine its growth by pulling some shady tactics. 

To counter this, China has secretly duplicated all of its manufacturing outside of China, building factories in Vietnam, Indonesia, Brazil, and Mexico. 

This means that even if Western countries, such as the U.S., try to shift production from China to other countries like Vietnam, they might be surprised to find out that the new plants are also owned by China. 

This strategy is a brilliant move that allows China to save face in public relations moves while still continuing its production. 

China's efforts to construct a new global order are apparent, and its commitment to expanding its reach and production capabilities should not be underestimated. 

As the global economic landscape continues to shift, it will be important to monitor China's progress and influence in the global South, as this may have significant implications for the future of the global economy. 

A great example of this is China’s monopoly on the production and supply of lithium.

Demand For Lithium

The global demand for lithium has seen a sharp uptick in recent years, and China is looking to capitalize on the opportunity. 

Through a series of shrewd investments, Chinese companies have cornered the market on lithium production and supply, allowing them to effectively control the price and availability of this increasingly essential resource. 

This means that many companies are now forced to rely on Chinese-supplied lithium if they wish to expand or innovate their product lines. 

In particular, auto manufacturers such as Tesla, Ford and Volvo are feeling the pinch of this dependence on Chinese lithium as they seek new sources to power their electric vehicles. 

The implications of this monopoly could be dire, as China can effectively control the price and availability of lithium, potentially causing economic disruption in industries that rely on it. 

Furthermore, if China were to choose to limit or even shut off its exports of lithium, many companies would find themselves unable to power their products or innovate further due to a lack of available resources. 

This could lead to increased costs for consumers and decreased profits for businesses who depend on Chinese-supplied lithium. 

In addition, other countries may seek alternative sources of lithium production in order to reduce their dependence on the Chinese market. 

In conclusion, China and Russia are planning to dethrone the US and Europe as global superpowers and so far have been really successful. 

If things continue like this, there will soon be a drastic change in the global power dynamics and it could lead to some unprecedented events in history. 

What do you think? 

Do share your comments and thoughts on who you think will come out on top in this global game of power. 

- Ivan