Think and Grow Rich (by Napoleon Hill)

Think and Grow Rich (by Napoleon Hill)

Think And Grow Rich is widely regarded as one of the most influential self-help books ever written. 

What makes it stand out is the wealth of wisdom compiled from some of the most prominent figures of the 20th century, including: 

  • John D. Rockefeller
  • Andrew Carnegie
  • Henry Ford
  • Thomas Edison

Napoleon Hill, the author, dedicated nearly three decades to interviewing these titans of industry to uncover the secrets of their success. 

The book distills their collective insights into a single overarching idea. 

In this article, I'll condense the entire book, drawing from the knowledge of these remarkable individuals, into one core concept that can simplify the book's essence. 

Despite its title, "Think and Grow Rich," the principle can be applied to achieving any desired goal.

The Conscious Mind vs The Subconscious Mind

Now, let's delve into the fundamental idea: 

to achieve significant feats, whether it's amassing great wealth or pursuing any other goal, we must tap into and leverage the power of our subconscious mind. 

This will be the focus of our discussion moving forward. 

But why is this necessary? 

Well, within each of us reside two minds: the conscious and the subconscious. 

However, in terms of sheer potency, the subconscious mind dwarfs the conscious mind by orders of magnitude.

To put it into perspective, if the conscious mind is akin to the size of a toaster, the subconscious mind is comparable to the vastness of the Milky Way galaxy. 

Its power and computational capabilities are immense, millions of times greater than those of the conscious mind. 

Therefore, to achieve your lofty aspirations, you must harness the power of your subconscious mind by imprinting it with your desired goals. 

But how do we go about this? 

Given the inherent nature of our subconscious and conscious minds, programming the subconscious is no easy task. 

Nonetheless, it is entirely achievable, and this book is dedicated to explaining precisely how to accomplish this. 

So, let's begin by understanding the fundamental principles of the subconscious mind, after which we'll explore the keys to programming it for monumental success.

Understanding Our Subconscious Mind

Point #1: It is governed by the conscious mind

Firstly, despite the vast power of the subconscious mind compared to the conscious mind, it's important to recognize that the conscious mind still governs the subconscious. 

Think of the conscious mind as the overseer or gardener of the subconscious mind, which is akin to a garden. 

The conscious mind plants the seeds of thoughts, while the subconscious mind works diligently to nurture and manifest those thoughts into reality.

Point #2: It is continually active

Secondly, it's crucial to recognize that our subconscious mind is continually active, and for many individuals, it operates in opposition to their desires. 

You might wonder why the subconscious would act against you. 

Well, it's because of the prevailing thoughts and emotions that dominate your consciousness every moment of every day. 

If your mind is filled with negativity, fear, thoughts of scarcity, or visions of failure, then your subconscious mind diligently works to materialize those exact realities for you. 

In essence, it operates against your best interests. 

Conversely, when you intentionally feed your subconscious with thoughts and emotions of abundance, success, and positivity, it becomes focused on manifesting those realities for you. 

However, the challenge lies in the fact that if you don't actively plant deliberate and positive thoughts and emotions, your subconscious will work with the thoughts it receives passively, which tend to be negative and disheartening due to the constant bombardment of negativity in your environment.

Point #3: It operates impartially

Thirdly, it's important to understand that the subconscious mind operates impartially. 

It doesn't differentiate between positive and negative thoughts, nor does it discern between small or large aspirations. 

Instead, it simply takes the thoughts and emotions you harbor and sets to work, regardless of their nature, to manifest them into reality. 

Whether your thoughts and feelings are uplifting or detrimental, the subconscious mind diligently acts upon them to bring them to fruition.

How To Program Your Subconscious Mind? (5 Ways)

Now that we have a better grasp of the subconscious mind, how can we go about programming it for significant success? 

How do we ignite that intense desire that activates the power of the subconscious mind in our favor, propelling us towards our goals relentlessly? 

Well, here are the five essential keys to achieve precisely that.

Method #1: Establish a definite purpose

Firstly, it's crucial to establish a definite purpose. 

We need to be extremely specific about what we want, pinpointing our exact goal or end objective. 

The clearer our purpose or goal, the easier it becomes to achieve it. 

Only when we have a crystal-clear understanding of our goal can we effectively implant it into our subconscious mind. 

Without a clear purpose or goal, our subconscious mind won't provide us with real power. 

It's akin to having a massive ship with immense power but no destination to steer towards. 

What's the point of having such a ship if there's no clear destination? 

Many people have wake-up calls about wanting to become wealthy or lose weight, but these goals are often too broad to be useful. 

We need to be incredibly clear, setting a specific goal or a precise dollar amount. 

This clarity is essential for tapping into the power of our subconscious mind because it helps us focus our efforts and provides us with a clear direction for decision-making.

Method #2: Power of autosuggestion

The second key to programming your subconscious mind involves utilizing the power of autosuggestion. 

Autosuggestions are purposeful statements or commands that you repeatedly give to yourself, also known as affirmations. 

Once you've identified your goal, you need to continuously reinforce that command to your subconscious mind. 

This repetition is crucial; there's no endpoint to maintaining your mental garden. 

You must keep repeating these affirmations to yourself consistently and persistently.

Method #3: Power of emotions

The third key to programming your subconscious mind involves leveraging the power of emotions to guide it. 

Simply thinking about your goals and repeating them isn't sufficient; you must infuse those thoughts with emotions—the emotions you anticipate feeling once you achieve your goal. 

The subconscious mind operates primarily through emotions; it doesn't respond much to emotionless thoughts. 

It's crucial to understand that the subconscious doesn't comprehend logic or reason; it speaks the language of emotions. 

Therefore, any attempts to program it must involve emotional elements. 

You need to genuinely feel the emotions associated with your desired outcome to effectively program your subconscious mind. 

Mixing your thoughts with positive emotions is essential because thoughts combined with emotions possess a magnetic quality; they attract similar thoughts and emotions. 

Positive emotions attract more positive thoughts and emotions, while negative emotions can inadvertently reach your subconscious if mixed with your thoughts. 

Thus, it's vital to minimize the influx of negative thoughts and instead focus on embedding deliberately crafted positive and empowering thoughts and emotions into your subconscious. 

Consistently practicing this approach is the key to unlocking the potential of your subconscious mind.

Method #4: Visualization

The fourth key to programming your subconscious mind involves visualization and adopting the mindset of already achieving your goal. 

To effectively program our subconscious, we need to visualize and experience the fulfillment of our goal as if it's already a reality. 

Imagine yourself having achieved your goal and consider how you would act, feel, and behave in that scenario. 

The key to successful visualization is to immerse yourself in the experience of already accomplishing your goal, rather than viewing it as a distant possibility. 

For instance, if your goal is to earn a million dollars by 1st of January next year, visualize yourself on that date, experiencing the fulfillment of your goal as if it's happening right now. 

Avoid thinking of it as something you hope to achieve in the future, as this creates a sense of lacking. 

Instead, focus on feeling as though you've already attained your goal. 

This approach is crucial for effectively programming your subconscious mind. 

It's important to grasp this concept fully, so feel free to revisit this point multiple times to absorb its wisdom.

Method #5: Persistence & Repetition

The fifth key to programming your subconscious mind is persistence and repetition. 

Napoleon Hill aptly describes the price of harnessing the power of our subconscious mind as 

everlasting persistence in thoughts, mixed with emotions, mixed with faith

it requires consistent repetition of desired thoughts mixed with positive emotions and unwavering faith. 

Regardless of external circumstances or obstacles, we must persistently and repeatedly reinforce these thoughts and emotions. 

There's no shortcut or easy way out; we must commit to programming our subconscious mind continuously. 

The remarkable aspect of this process is that as we intensify our focus on our goals and infuse it with positive emotions, we naturally attract more of the same thoughts and emotions until they become deeply ingrained within us.

What Puts Think And Grow Rich On Steroids?

Okay, so we just discussed the five keys to programming your subconscious mind. 

However, there's one powerful strategy that puts Think And Grow Rich on steroids, and it's called "burning the boats." 

Let me illustrate this with the story of Spanish Conqueror Hernan Cortes from the 1500s. 

When Cortes arrived at the Aztec empire with his warships, he intended to conquer the area. 

However, he realized that his army was vastly outnumbered, with a ratio of about one to 100. 

Seeing his soldiers hesitating and considering retreat, Cortes made a bold move: he ordered his men to burn their boats. 

With no way to retreat, the soldiers were left with only two options: win or die

This created an intense determination to succeed, and despite being outnumbered, Cortes's army went on to win the war. 

This demonstrates the power of burning the boats; it forces us to tap into the full potential of our subconscious mind because our survival is at stake. 

In such situations, we become unstoppable. 

If you want to cultivate a burning desire for something, if you truly want to program your subconscious mind with your goal, you need to eliminate all other options. 

You have to go all in, leaving yourself with just one choice. 

Sometimes, these situations are thrust upon us externally, like facing financial difficulties with a clear deadline to turn things around. 

Other times, we must create these situations ourselves. 

One way to do this is by publicly committing to your goal or setting real deadlines with consequences for not achieving them. 

Whatever method you choose to burn the boats, it should lead to a state of burning obsession where you are singularly focused on your goal. 

This intense drive is what will propel you towards greatness.

Now if you enjoyed this, be sure to get the book with the link here to help support the channel at no additional cost to you. 

Also, be sure to share this with family and friends to help them out, cheers!

- Ivan